Title: Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4)
Author: Marissa Meyer
Goodreads Summary:
Rating: 5+ Stars
Review: Wait a sec... This was 824 pages?! That explains the size, but not the speed..
Somewhere inside of me, I knew this would happen; I'd devour Winter. After all, I was already two-thirds through yesterday, after about three hours of reading.
The battle really intensifies in the conclusion to The Lunar Chronicles. Have I mentioned that The Lunar Chronicles Series is definitely the best fairytale retelling series I have ever read? Because it's true, and by a long shot. I usually stay away from fairytale retellings, but I didn't realise this was retelling until I actually picked up Cinder.
Marissa Meyer combined Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, and Snow White and created four volumes of a series, The Lunar Chronicles, and managed to keep the storyline from Cinder going throughout the other three books, and without deterring from the meaning of each fairytale, and making sure to include the most important scene, twisted, in each book.
I really, really, enjoyed Winter. It was long, but definitely worth it (unlike some other long books I've read). I am a speed reader by nature, but it's very rare that I read a book as long as 800 or so pages in two days, or about six hours without getting bored. I pretty much read Winter without stopping, except to sleep, and eat. Marissa Meyer is a true, genius storyteller, and I can't wait to read her books in the future.
Purchase Location: Borrowed From Library
Edition: Paperback
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Recommended for: If you've ever read a fairytale retelling, read this one. I guarantee it's better.