Title: Nerve (based on the novel by Jeanne Ryan)
Rating: 7/10 Stars
IMDB Summary: A high school senior finds herself immersed in an online game of truth or dare, where her every move starts to become manipulated by an anonymous community of "watchers."
Review: *This review contains a lot of book/movie comparisons and therefore minor spoilers are frequent throughout it*
Welcome to Nerve; an online real-life dare game where you compete dares for points and prizes. Vee Delmonico would never have dreamed of playing Nerve, but when her friends say she doesn't take risks, she decides to make a point. Along with her partner Ian, they get into heaps of trouble whilst playing Nerve. The question is, how far will Vee go before she decides the stakes are too high?
This movie has been recommended to me by many people I know, and I later found out that it's based off a book, one which I've frequently seen in bookstores. So I read the book (review here) and watched the movie. I conclude that Nerve is a great movie - if you haven't read the book.
The differences kept coming, an endless stream. For me, Vee's full name not being revealed until late into the book is a small but important part. In the movie her name is revealed early on which annoyed me because it wasn't relevant at all the discovery didn't contribute anything. The basic storyline e.g. dares and character interests are changed, leaving us with blonde Vee and brunette Sydney which I never got used to. One of the main dares from the book stays the same while all the others change and I think if it hadn't I would've well and truly hated this movie after the completely different ending.
Other than the fact that Nerve started as a book, the movie is pretty good. I didn't like the text/dare layout as I thought it wasn't very visually appealing, but the characters and plot are enticing, the movie is filled with action, adventure and of course the high stakes dares which Vee and Ian partake in. It was a lot harder for me to enjoy the movie after reading the book, but I tried and eventually succeeded.
Favourite Acts:
Machine Gun Kelly as Ty
Dave Franco as Ian