\ Lovely Paranormal Books

December Wrap-up // Final post of 2018 and final post on this blog ever?!

by December 31, 2018
Before I get into the post, a (quick) announcement: I'm leaving this blog! But don't worry, I'll still be blogging over at Daydreaming Ink, my new blog. Basically, I just wanted a fresh start, and I'll go into it in more detail on my first post there, on January 1. Hope to see you there!  EDIT EDIT EDIT I FINISHED THE A-Z CHALLENGE!!!!!!! It seems only fair that this would be the last post here. After all, I have to include any last minute

Looking Back // 2018 goals, highlights, and what's to come...

by December 30, 2018
Okay well this year has FLOWN by?! I can't believe we're already at the end of 2018. I have barely any school left (a few years but still in the long scheme of things),... Having 'proper' exams has certainly kept me busier than I would've liked but this is also partly my own fault due to my (now cured) binge watching obsession and desire to procrastination (because it's cool but my bad, I no longer believe this).  This is one of a series

Looking Ahead // My most anticipated 2019 releases

by December 29, 2018
I won't be here much longer but why would I miss out on an opportunity to be excited about 2019 releases? I'm thinking of doing the monthly "books I'm excited for" again, so let me know what you think because I'm a bit on the fence. My top picks of 2019 How can I decide? There are so many books out there, but for this section I just picked books (mostly from series) I'd heard of prior to researching for this post that

Reasons why I am grateful for this blog

by December 12, 2018
Well, it was thanksgiving *fairly* recently, and although I don’t celebrate, I’ve felt a need to be grateful so here, have this post! I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently especially as I prepare to reboot this blog and move to Wordpress. I’ve tried similar projects in the past, moving from one place to the other; it’s never really worked out, but I’m hoping it does this time, and I think it will because I’ve realised how much the blog means to

Issues With High School in New Zealand // NZ Education Issues Part Two

by December 05, 2018
{This post has been in the works since forever (the publication of part one, to be more specific), and now that I've finished my second last exam of this year I've decided to go ahead and spend more time on it. It's such a massive rant, and I even go as far as to suggest some "solutions" to the issues of this system (I'm so extra I know, don't come @ me because I'm not an education system expert okay I just know
