Title: Allegiant (based on the novel by Veronica Roth
IMDB Summary: After the earth-shattering revelations of INSURGENT, Tris must escape with Four and go beyond the wall enclosing Chicago. For the first time ever, they will leave the only city and family they have ever known. Once outside, old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless with the revelation of shocking new truths. Tris and Four must quickly decide who they can trust as a ruthless battle ignites beyond the walls of Chicago which threatens all of humanity. In order to survive, Tris will be forced to make impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice and love.
Review: Before I watched Allegiant, I'd heard many rumours about how different it was from the book. But, loyal to the series as I was, I knew I had to see it for myself.

Yes, Allegiant wasn't the same as the book, but would you really expect it to be? Also, being Part I.. Was it a bad movie? No. I noticed a lot more changes than I usually do (mainly because I'm unobservant, but Allegiant is special to me), but I also smiled at the similarities. Some events were changed completely, but mostly it followed the basic storyline. I felt that overall, the dramatic level was raised and that alone was the biggest change.

If you've read the book but are hesitant to see the movie, I suggest you do. It wasn't perfect, but I enjoyed it.
Favourite Acts:
Theo James as Tobias "Four" Eaton: Do I even need to explain? Perfection.
Shailene Woodley as Beatrice "Tris" Prior: I didn't like Tris that much in the books, but Shailene is hard to hate.
Miles Teller as Peter: He's been called coward in the books, but with Miles Teller, he's sarcastic and vying for a favour.
Naomi Watts as Evelyn Eaton: True, I never liked Evelyn. But Naomi's portrayal makes her character so much more believable.

Top Quotes:

"Everyone is worth saving." — Tris

"You want change without sacrifice, you want peace without struggle. The world doesn't work that way." — David