The Servant Boy by Reesha Goral
Goodreads Summary: The Servant Boy highlights the adventures of Zayne Shah, a young man who lives through the most horrific disaster his village, Saidpur, has ever seen. An epidemic has unknowingly raged through Saidpur and is taking the lives of umpteen folk before his eyes. Zayne is determined to find a cure to the mystery, at whatever the cost may be, even if that cost is a price he cannot presently afford.

Zayne goes through a series of ups and downs as he takes you with him, embracing life through vivid details, all of which include paradoxes that anyone from any walk of life can relate to: life and death, happiness and grief, love and envy, friendship and animosity.

Although The Servant Boy is a multicultural novel, and will appeal to those that will enjoy learning about the colorful and vibrant culture of Pakistan, it will also enchant those who enjoy mystery, fantasy, adventure, friendship, and romance. There is something in the novel for everyone.
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Zayne Shah is a Mullazim, a lowly servant to a rich family. He works for a girl named Asiya and her relatives, however Asiya is the only girl Zayne has ever loved. But they are no longer children, and one day Asiya marries another man. If this wasn't bad enough, their village suddenly encounters a mysterious disease which kills many young women. This enigma calls to Zayne, and he will stop at nothing to solve the mystery.

This book certainly isn't what I expected, though that isn't necessarily a bad thing. At first, I thought the love story would go one way, yet it went so differently. Assuming this is simply a tale of servants becoming lords was definitely wrong on my part too, for The Servant Boy is much more than that; it is mystery, romance and success.

Intrigue and mystery slowly creep into the book, so quiet it takes you a moment to shout in surprise as they yell "boo!" in unison. It's yet another thing I didn't know I'd be in for; a solid mystery story much like the ones featured in the thrillers I so love to read.

There are only a few characters we get to know well, but even those we know in passing have developed identities within the constraints of a second viewpoint. Those who mean more harm than good aren't painted as villains, but rather complications in the pathway of good.

Reesha Goral brings you a lovely tale set in Saidpur, Pakistan. This book taught me a lot about their culture and though I think a glossary could've been used rather than brackets the rich vibe of a different culture lives its lively life in The Servant Boy.
Purchase Location: ~I received a copy from the author and willingly reviewed it~
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Recommended for: Fans of mystery and unexpected romance.