Title: Mean Girls 2 (based on the book by Rosalind Wiseman)
Rating: 7/10 Stars
IMDB Summary: The Plastics are back in the long-awaited follow-up to the smash hit Mean Girls - and now the clique is more fashionable, funny, and ferocious than ever.
Review: Jo Mitchell is used to moving around and always being the new girl at school. But this year it's different. Jo is attending North Shore High School, her last school before her dream school Carnegie Mellon. She tries to stay away from the popular group but when offered a deal she can't refuse, Jo makes a rival group and begins to lose herself to popularity...
Mean Girls 2 has the same storyline as Mean Girls. It has very few differences; the two sidekicks have different problems and Jo has a different personality. But all in all, it isn't very original. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed watching it. Mean Girls 2 is hilarious, truthful and tells of all the problems teenage cliques can create.
Favourite Acts: Meaghan Martin as Johanna 'Jo' Mitchell
Claire Holt as Chastity Meyer