Title: Legally Blonde (based on the novel by Amanda Brown)
Rating: 9/10 Stars
IMDB Summary: Elle Woods, a fashionable sorority queen is dumped by her boyfriend. She decides to follow him to law school, while she is there she figures out that there is more to her than just looks.
Review: Elle Woods loves pink. When her boyfriend Warner dumps her because she's "not serious enough", Elle goes to Harvard and tries to win her back. But then she realises that she could actually be a good lawyer. Join Elle and her Chihuahua Bruiser on their hilarious journey filled with golden moments and upsetting realisations.

What did I think? I loved it! Elle's story only gets better. Vivian reminds me of me, oops. This has got to be my favourite law movie ever. All the characters are amazing, with the exception of Warner and Professor Callahan of course. Emmett is so supportive and he's 50% of why I love this movie so much. If you haven't watched Legally Blonde, so so! It's perfect for your Friday night in.